lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

6th Grade English Homeworks 8-12 Sep

6TH. GRADE ELEMENTARY September 8-12, 2014. Miss Patty O.
Monday 8
For Friday Sept. 12 Poem "The Blind Men and the Elephant" John Godfrey Saxe 
Learn the 2 assigned paragraphs on Sept. 5
Tuesday 9
Grammar Notebook Copy yellow square p 11. Answer exercise
Wednesday 10
Spelling Notebook Repeat words 3 times and write a sentence combining words
1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8, 9&10, 11&12, 13&14, 15&16, 17&18, 19&20. = 10 sentences
Thursday 11
Grammar Notebook Write 3 times the subject, object, possessive, indefinite and relative pronouns.
Poem "The Six Men and the Elephant" the 2 Assigned paragraphs
Friday 12
Find out what " smart cities and smart schools" are. Write the investigation in your own words at least 35 words for Knowledge Building .
*Remember: If you do not finish your class work, you have to do it at home as homework. *